You often hear about “the 9-to-5 grind” — the typical eight-hour work day for most people with traditional office jobs. How to endure, combat or embrace “the grind” are often the subjects of workplace how-tos. But what about supporting the employees in occupations with unconventional hours like emergency services personnel, construction or hospitality to name a few.

These employees frequently work abnormal hours or travel at a moment’s notice, often sacrificing family dinners, holiday parties and other special events to be on the ground wherever they’re needed. This is especially true for my work family at BELFOR Property Restoration who, due to unexpected disasters, are often asked to leave their relatives and homes on weekends and during holidays to help other families facing the worst days of their lives.

Read the full article here.

Yellen, Sheldon. Encouraging Employees Who Don’t Work The Typical 9-to-5. Web. 21 Mar 2019.