It’s no secret that business travel is a hot trend for many companies. As offices are increasingly spread out and employees are starting to work remotely, there’s an increased need for face-to-face connections. My business philosophy—built into the business travel tips below—is that people always come first. Beyond the business deals and team meetings, making the effort to visit others in person helps to form new relationships, build trust with clients and coworkers, increase productivity, and guide your company culture.

While some employees may feel comfortable picking up everything and hitting the road, business travel can certainly be intimidating for those who aren’t your average “road warrior.” Given that I spend most of my time on the road for work, I like to consider myself an experienced traveler—but I wasn’t always this way. When I was growing up outside Detroit and living on welfare, traveling was not something I got to do often. It first began as a commitment to service customers in Charleston, SC, after Hurricane Hugo in 1989. As I began to work my way up in my career to eventually become the CEO of BELFOR Property Restoration, the world’s largest property and restoration company, I quickly learned the ins and out of business travel and the benefits of proper preparation.

Read the full article here.

Yellen, Sheldon. 10 Business Travel Tips From a Traveling CEO. Web. 06 May 2019.